One of the latest and most exciting developments of the recent years is the introduction of PRP or platelet-rich plasma.

What is PRP?

PRP: In this process, platelets from your own blood are extracted, concentrated, and then activated and given

back to your skin to release your body’s own natural healing mechanisms by virtue of the abundance of growth factors released by your blood platelets.

What’s the advantage of PRP over other treatments?

This method uses only your own blood to act as growth-promoting medium and won’t use other dermal fillers or synthetic materials. It’s all natural: you helping your body to heal and get better. It takes between 2-4 monthly treatments to achieve optimal result with PRP.

Before the treatments, the area to be treated will be numbed, and a small amount of your own blood is drawn. You will need to be off all blood thinners ( including aspirin) and any supplement for at least a week, and avoid alcohol for 3 days before this treatment.

What can be treated with PRP?

The results have been very smooth and natural. Many areas of skin can be treated and improved, including the texture and tone of the skin. The face, neck, and Décolletage all may be treated successfully with this method for skin rejuvenation, correction of lines, and textural improvement. Acne scars, lines and wrinkles, and enlarged pores are other examples of conditions that are treatable with PRP.

PRP is also commonly used during hair transplantation as well as a stand-alone treatment in certain cases. It is routinely mixed with your own fat before reinjection into areas that need volume restoration.

This treatment can give years back to your face, neck and hands. Please give us a call to schedule your free consultation for it.

Corona Clinic
Opening Hours

Tues to Fri 9 am - 6 pm
Sat 9 am to 5 pm