Medical weight loss


We have managed many cases of weight loss for individuals who have a hard time losing the excess weight. If your body mass index is over 30, or have health issues with a body mass index over 27, you are a candidate for this.
Generally you will need to stay on these medications for several months, and then taper them off gradually. Mild side effects are common that will be discussed during your initial visit.

We generally use either Semaglutide (Ozempic/ Wegovy), or Tirzepatide (Mounjaro); both weekly self-administered injections. The injections are performed with an insulin needle and in the majority of individuals, are pain free.

Other weight loss medications may also be considered depending on the case.
Give us a call and start your healthy lifestyle soon!

Corona Clinic
Opening Hours

Tues to Fri 9 am - 6 pm
Sat 9 am to 5 pm